Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 2011 Listener Survey Feedback

Thanks to all who filled out the most recent listener survey.  Here is a sampling of the feedback we received...with a summary of what we're planning to do based on your feedback in italics after each question.

My #1 reason for listening to DMPulse is:
-Great music! I get to discover new bands and listen to my favorite bands while at work. No commercials is even better.

-The lack of commercials, the variety of music, the genres that are played.

-I love listening to new bands

-Great music selection and I'm always looking/listening for something new that will catch my ear and make my happy.

-I like the music. I listen to it all day at work.

-Fantastic selection, rotation of new music.

-I like your sensibilities, your direction, your tone.

-Plays new music.

-Great selection of music!

-I can listen while I work at my computer.

-love the music and love to hear new stuff

-like the mix of new and old, good way to hear new music.

-better variety, no commercials :) supporting independents

-New music, no ads.

Recently, DMPulse became a non-profit organization and donations made to the station are tax deductible. While we need donations to cover our operating expenses, we want to be careful not to burn-out our listeners with too much fundraising. How often should we do on-air fundraising?

4 times a year, in March, June, September and December    = 81%

**We'll go forward focusing our fundraising efforts in the Spring and Fall, with smaller fundraising times in summer and the end of the calendar year.

If I could change one thing about DMPulse, I would:
-I miss how when DMPulse was on Live 365 we could see the Album names and art.

-I also enjoyed the "thumbs up/thumbs down". I don't know how to have an imput with this radio stations about the songs I love.

-I am glad the current songs are being displayed, the "coming up" should automaticaly refresh as well.

-Like it if the website displayed the playlist for the last few hours. I listen at work and it's hard to check the site all of the time to see what the song name and artist is, right when it's playing. I'd love the ability to look through the playlist and be able to see what I've been listening to for the last hour.

-Add yet more variety--longer playlist incorporating "oldies but goodies" along with the new gems.

-Don't become simply a channel-er for your listeners. If we wanted to hear what we know about then we wouldn't need you. In essence, you decide what to play, don't pander to our mediocrity.

-"now playing" missing description of album / year

-While I love the new music, I do like to hear some older stuff every now and then. Seems like the Clash is the only older stuff I hear on DMPulse.

-Put the current playlist online.

**We're currently looking for a better way to display both the song currently playing as well as previous tracks played.  Our current vendors do not seem to offer a solution that meets our needs, so we are searching for other solutions or will have to build something ourselves.  In my mind, improving the player window is the top priority.  

**Secondly, based on your feedback, we'll be adding some older tracks to the playlist.  I'm looking forward to finding a way to incorporate some "classic alternative" will still maintaining our focus on new music.

If I were in charge of the website, I would change or improve the following:

-Improve the website by better display and timelines of song title, album, artist. Who's next in rotation is nice too. Add some links to purchase music or band websites.

-The playlist feature needs work, as you've mentioned.

-It would seem that you should be able to provide a better interface, one that could detail more about the music that you are playing at the time. I would hope song track album artist info is in the meta data and should be able to stream with the music to a more page that can decode it...

-Maybe have a featured artist of the week/month-with related artists. Or, when a song is playing show artists/songs I may like. I know it is a lot like Pandora, but I think it opens you up to new stuff!

-more news about played artist, f.e. new rotated band, etc

-I'd fix the "now playing" function, which seems to get stuck after a while.

-Put the current playlist online.

-The box that shows what is currently playing sometimes doesn't work.

-its fine

**We'll add a full playlist to the site.  What is currently there is out of date.

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