Friday, July 15, 2011

Bug Report - Flash Player Issue on

I've heard from several listeners that the flash player on is disconnecting from the stream, playing the Launch Spot and reconnecting around the 5 minute mark of listening.  So, every five minutes you'd hear "3...2...1!  Fire!  Welcome to etc."

I reset the server, and removed the launch ad.  So, that solves the issue of hearing that Launch Spot every 5 minutes!  (It is supposed to only air once at launch!)  It still appears that the player is disconnecting and reconnecting every 5 minutes, but you may not notice because there's no "Launch Spot" now.  Something's up with the Flash player, so we'll get it fixed.  In the meantime, it may not even be noticable that the stream is being disconnected.  

If you are still having trouble, trying listening through the DMPulse page on

We'll surely have a few bugs to work out along the way!  Thanks for being patient!


  1. Thanks for all the work you've put into this Jay. Is there an 'official' way to listen via Winamp/iTunes/WMP?

  2. Love the station. Followed you from Live365.

    Another small bug: the track listings dont update w/ ea. song. TuneIn's Web Tuner doesn't have this problem, so using that for now.
