Monday, January 4, 2010

Survey #2 Results

The results are in on the second survey and we had even more listeners weigh in.  Here's what you said:

-DMPulse listeners listen because you love the music and discovering new songs & artists.

-You would change small things about the station.  Less Ben Folds, more old stuff, less old stuff, less Radiohead, more Radiohead.  You get the idea...

- For ideas:
Liked the Paypal "tip jar".  That is now on the website!
Didn't care for station swag.  Have too many t-shirts already?
Preferred music downloads to buying CDs
Loved the idea of putting together DMPulse music compilation CDs.  That one's on the list.  Coming in 2010, DMPulse Smooth Groves Volume #1? (think I'll need some help on the title)
There is interest in an e-newsletter.  Working on it...

Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey!


  1. I'm a little confused...Live365 stations cost minimal money to upkeep...Basic package is $10/month. I know because I run one. I have a fraction of the listeners you have...and the station pays for itself via VIP listening hours. So why are you having trouble sustaining yourself? The main cost in doing this is the royalties which Live365 handles. Other than buying music, WHAT ARE YOUR COSTS?! I'm stumped.

  2. Mighty Mightor,
    Thank you for the question. Your live365 station seems to be doing well. In 5 years with Radio1/DMPulse, VIP reward have covered the cost of the Live365 subscription only a couple of times. Perhaps you are doing something I'm not?

    DMPulse does have quite a few listeners being in the top 10 in the alternative genre, but I have yet to be able to cover the costs of running the station. Perhaps that will change...I'm open to suggestions.
