Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Listener Survey

Click here to take survey

Recently, I used this space to talk about the struggles of internet radio stalwart WOXY.  All net radio stations, and many web-based services in general are struggling to stay alive. 

So how is DMPulse doing?  In January, I paid the royalties for the year:  $2,000. I spend $50/month for new music, a music scheduling software package and hosting.  I receive $15-20/month in rewards from Live365.  Music downloads through the weekly e-newsletter and on this website have generated about $20 in revenue this year.

So why am I telling you this?

I believe that DMPulse listeners care about the station and want to see it continue.  And I am more-than-willing to continue to spend 15 hours a week on the station.  It really doesn't seem like work most of the time!

Many online "business models" are centered around keeping the site's content from people that aren't paying or guilting users into paying a small amount each month.

While those may work for some, I believe that many DMPulse listeners will support the station financially if they receive benefits beyond the great music you hear each day.

It centers around these questions:
Would I miss DMPulse if it were gone?
Have I discovered great music on DMPulse?
Does DMPulse make my day better?

Here's my thesis:
DMPulse listeners can listen for free.  If you answer 'yes' to the questions above, than I believe you should consider supporting DMPulse with your dollars.  While anyone can listen to DMPulse, I believe those that support it should receive something beyond the great station many of you listen to for 30 hours a week or more.

I am thinking about putting together "packages" at different levels of support.  So, a listener that gives $75 receives more than someone giving $25.

Each of these levels would have benefits associated.  Here's where you come in:  I need your help to determine what additional benefits supporters of the station receive.  Please go here to take another survey and give me your feedback on the ideas I have.

Thanks in advance for your help.  And know that I want to be able to continue to keep DMPulse going.  Together, we will come up with special benefits that will reward you for believing in the station.

As always, share your thoughts with me.
Send questions or comments to:  Jay AT

Monday, April 5, 2010